
华得利地图标注服务公司 2022-06-10 20:58


修改地图上的错误信息,需要具备相关证件,不是随便可以改的。你可以看下这个文章:《修改标注通过审核流程(2016)》,按照上面写的流程去操作就可以了。 投诉效果不太好,反馈比较慢,沟通起来较为麻烦。


0 in the nation first in the instry. The picture shows the general manager of Shing Ka Lok (Chinese) is introcing energy-saving situation. (Next photo) Suzhou printing instry output value exceeded 200 billion boost in Suzhou City, adhere to the scientific management of the printing instry, printing instry in 2006, the city's annual output value reached 212 billion yuan. An increase of i
4.4%, the province accounted for 62% of the total. Large and medium cities in the country, second only to Shanghai, Suzhou, Shenzhen, among the best. The first half of this year, good growth there. Not long ago. \Right picture shows the share of employees are photographic printing technology. (Next photo) 84 of 2007 electric club in China? Friends database of electronic information, the other may choose to file server side storage. Archiving of electronic documents do not realize the science of electronic documents saved, but j is the archive to the file through the science of information management. Electronic filing of electronic documents of metadata values can dig deep in order to achieve the electronic records of information, technology, and ultimately shared file resources. (Author: China Mechanical union office)





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(不是手指长按后出现的那个大头针) 点击屏幕左上角的“编辑”,点击后左上角的图标变更为“清除”。你只要点击清除就可以了! 点击屏幕左上角

上一篇 :地图如何添加自己的导航?导航如何添加自己的指路人地图标注服务中心铺?
